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Computer biography

What is a computer?

What is a computer

what the heck is a computer now the reality is you're surrounded by computers they're everywhere they're just not that big desktop with a monitor on your on your desk they're all around so the official definition of a computer is that it's a device that accepts information in the form of digitized data, then it manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions.

how the data is to be processed?

alright well that's a little confusing but what does that really mean well to put it simply your phone is a computer Your Xbox is a computer. Your car's GPS is a computer. Heck, even the new thermostat, which I have in my house anyway, is a computer.

They're all made up of the same components and they are everywhere, so let's dig into those components because it takes several things to actually make up a computer and if any one of them were to break the computer wouldn't function any longer.

Components of a computer

First case

First case

so first component, well, you need a case to keep it all together and keep all the parts safe from outside damage, but a case is actually more important than that because a case actually helps with heat because computers produce a whole lot of heat and they get really hot.

In fact this was a problem back in the old days when computers used to overheating, so we have cases that help with that problem where as well as fans help distribute the air effectively and they help pull the air away from those parts that might be negatively impacted by that heat.

Second: What is motherboard

What is motherboard

Next, we got the motherboard. The motherboard is kind of like the heart; it's the plumbing; it's what updates everything.

All the cabling and wiring goes plugged into the motherboard, so it's basically a physical arrangement in a computer that contains the basic circuitry and wiring goes plugged into the motherboard so it's basically a physical arrangement in a computer that contains the basic circuitry and components.

Also, some motherboards have heat sinks or fans on them, so they're specifically designed to help with that whole heat problem, which is generally an issue when doing computer design.

Third: what is the CPU

what is the CPU

Next, we've got the CPU, or central processing unit; this is the brain; it does the heavy thinking; it is what enables us to actually have a computer in the first place.

What's crazy, though, is when I think about how far CPUs have come in the last 10 years, it's mind-blowing.

I read a statistic recently that said that the average CPU in a modern smartphone is significantly more powerful than the computing processing power they had when we launched to go to the moon, so give that some thought, but anyway, CPU is your brain on the computer.

Fourth: What is RAM on computer?

What is RAM on computer?

next got RAM or your document in Microsoft Word all those keystrokes, or you're working on in temporary storage in a memory state you know it once the computer gets shut off then all that informations are raised.

so think about your plaintiff video game or your writing a document in Microsoft Word all those keystrokes are doing or you're making PowerPoint but you haven't hit save yet, all that work as you're working gets saved in RAM.

So when you hear me talk about how I like computers slow, I like computers slow I need more RAM. Well, what that means is that they want to be able to run more programs and have it perform more effectively on the computer. you need more random access memory to store your temporary work as you're working on it.

Fifth: What is hard drive

What is hard drive

Next, unless we get your hard drive. That's pretty self-explanatory, but your hard drive is where all of your files live, so when it gets transferred from memory when you hit save or when you save, it gets saved onto a hard drive, and that hard drive could be on your laptop.

It could be on a connected hard drive or it could even be a hard drive on your server at work, but at some point your content needs to reside on a physical hard drive for it to be stored properly.

This is permanent storage, and you know you need a lot of it. Luckily, now with all the data we have, hard drives are getting really, really big and really, really cheap, which is awesome.

but it's also good when you're thinking about the computer that you might have a backup hard drive because your hard drive is definitely a single point of failure.

if you're that guy who thinks you could lose the CPU no big deal (well, it is expensive) but you will lose your data and everything you've been working on is totally gone. So just something to think about; it's good to have a backup hard drive as well.

Sixth: what is video card

what is video card

Next, we get the video card. I could talk for hours about the video card. Video cards have come so just something to think about it's good to have a backup hard drive as well next we get the video card I could talk hours about the video card video cards have come so far in the last four or five years.

The primary reason for that is that video games, video, and media are very processor intensive, so they need lots and lots of processing.

They also need lots and lots of random access memory to deal with all those heavy graphics, so video cards have almost become computers unto themselves.

They process the video and graphic data and send it up through your display, but all that processing happens on a separate processor.

what's called a GPU a graphics processing unit as well as a bunch of extra memory to deal with the intense requirements that come from modern video games and other media programs such as like video editing software.

Seventh: What is Keyboard On your computer

The keyboard is fairly self-explanatory; the keyboard inputs the commands and letters into the computer plugs in via a cable, generally a USB cable, and you type and it gets read.

keyboards of fairly remarkable things This was one of the huge discoveries initially when they were doing and designing computers.

It's actually pretty hard to figure out, so, you know, even though we take the keyboard we take it for granted, it's an amazing invention.

Eight: What is a mouse

What is a mouse

Next, the mouse changed everything and totally made computers accessible to the average human being, so you wouldn't have to met remember a bunch of random keystrokes to enter data so. but mouths straightforward you plug it in again via your USB or a wireless connection.

Ninth: What is screen on your computer

next we've got your screen so the screen shows the output from the video card and then allows you to virtually interact with your computer.

Tenth: What is a networking

What is a networking

Most folks today have some sort of broadband in their home, at least in the U.S. Maybe it's cable coming out of Comcast or DSL coming from your phone company, but that is the starting point for a network, so what you're doing when you take their router and you plug into it with the computer and you're gonna plug going to plug into their internet connection.

via two ways: either a you've got a wireless connection on your computer that then connects to the wireless router, which then connects to the Internet, or you've got a cable that plugs from your computer into their router, and then again it goes out to the Internet.

So in order to be able to communicate with other devices, whether it be the router that lets you go out to the internet, maybe your printer that has a wireless connection, or maybe it's another computer on your home network, you've got to be able to have a network connection, and generally the two most common network connections today are going to be a cable and a wireless, or a wired, whether it'.

What's called a LAN card is the one you plug the cable into in the back; that's the LAN card; or a wireless card, which bypasses the need for a cable and just connects via wireless to a wireless to a wireless router on your network;

and we're going to spend a whole lot of time talking about networking later, but it's very important that you have a network card because without one, you can't play with others; but we'll get into that more in a bit;

Eleventh: What is operating system

What is operating system

next, the operating system is super important. The operating system is the software that supports all the computer's basic functions; it is the most important program that lives on your hard drive and runs your computer.

It does all the kind of boring stuff that actually you probably don't care about, like scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling all the computer's peripherals and hardware's via things called drivers.

So the CPU and the operating system are really the brain and the personality of the computer, along with all the memories that go along with it, so they're very important and again we'll spend more time on that in a bit.

Twelve: What is Applications On your desktop

Applications are all those great things that we load on our computers. Microsoft Word Adobe Photoshop Call of Duty, whatever it is, those are all those applications or programs for the purpose of our article.

we're going to kind of use application and programs interchangeably, so if you hear me say program, I mean application;

if you hear me say application, I mean program. There are some differences with what they call the app model coming out now, but I'll spend some time more with that later.

Right now, we're just using them very interchangeably, but regardless of your application or program, they are the executable software that runs on a computer.

It's basically a bunch of compiled software code that's specifically designed for a purpose, like a I need Word to be able to create documents or I want to edit files with Photoshop, so it's really important that your applications are Of course apps also reside on your phone or your xbox so the games that you play on your xbox are basically apps or programs when you're doing Angry Birds on your iPhone that's an application.

So same concepts, just different platforms, and as I mentioned everything is a computer so if we go back to all the concepts here of whether it be an Xbox or a phone or whatever it might be they all have the same concepts just different platforms and they have a CPU.

Maybe it's on your xbox it's through your controller, you know, keyboard and mouse type functionality; all of them have some sort of screen or can connect to a screen; all of them are networked; all of them have operating systems;

and all of them have applications. That's universally true for any type of computer, whether it be your xbox, your phone, or whatever it might be. So just want to keep that in mind.

Let’s go deep on operating systems

Let's go deep on operating systems

We talked a little about the operating system and how it really is so critical to running your computer. An operating system performs those basic tasks again and really kind of keeps everything straight.

your operating system allows you to work with the processor to run multiple programs at the same time to connect your hard drive, your printer or your screen or your mouse.

again those all have a driver or a little piece of program software that allows you to connect and let them run on your computer.

it's the operating system that makes all that possible now also when we think about Reis so different programs take different resources so maybe you have a video game your plane and it needs all kinds of processing power and it's taken up a lot of space on your hard drive

It's sucking up your memory like crazy, and it needs the video card. Your operating system makes all that possible and keeps all those functions straight, so you never have to think about it.

Your operating systems are just in the back, taking care of business, and it does a million different things every single second that you don't even have to think about it says, "Hey, give me your password," that's all through the operating system.

And then, again, one thing to keep in mind about operating systems is that there's not a lot of them; there's only really three out there, which are Microsoft, Apple, and Linux.

those are the probably the most three they're common and we'll talk about more about that later but one thing to keep in mind is your operating system is specific and requires applications that were designed and coded for that operating system.

so if you have Microsoft Word, Mac you can't load that on Windows 8 if you have Windows 8 Photoshop. you can't run that on Mac so that's really the only thing to keep mine is when you think about operating system and your think about buying applications just make sure you get the right application for the right operating system.

so again we talked about operating systems they're really just three windows 8 that's a big one now though I've heard rumors of Windows 10 I'm not sure what happen to Windows 9 but that'll be interesting to see.

But right now, Windows 8 is Microsoft's big personal operating system for both Windows and personal use. Mac iOS is really popular with a lot of folks, and then there's Linus, which I just put up here between Windows and Mac.

That's like 98 percent of the market, with Windows being the leader and Mac definitely having a strong portion in the marketplace and being very popular line-x is more for your kind of I don't want to be discriminatory, but you're hardcore geek someone who really is into software development.

what line-x is an open-source software platform the people have customized as an alternative to paying for software to pay for Windows are paying from Mac.

Again, it's not used a lot, and when it is used, it's generally for special special purposes, so you'll see specialized computers that have all of the components that we just discussed, but maybe they're for manufacturing, and those manufacturing computers might run Linux because it's free.

that can be developed accordingly to take care of business for them, and they don't have to pay for the operating system. But again, you probably won't come across Linux much in your day-to-day operations.

I just want to make you aware of it, alright, so that's the end of our session on what is computer: computers, components, and operating systems. Now let’s come into computer storage:

What is a computer storage

Storage is the ability of a device to retain data either temporarily or permanently; there are a few quotation marks here because permanently is a relative term.

For example, if you have RAM, which will cause you to lose memory once you turn the computer off, and a hard drive, which is supposed to retain the information permanently but as we'll see, hard drives fail, so anyhow, storage can take the form of hard drives, RAM, floppy drives, CDs, DVDs, flash drives, etc. It's where information is stored, so let's start with the probably the most well known storage type device, which of course, is a hard drive.

Let's go deep into hard drive

Let's go deep into hard drive

This is the predominant -- probably the most well known -- thought of when we talk about things like storage, hard drives is the majority of hard drives are magnetic storage devices; they store data magnetically on individual disks or platters, and so you can see that you have a device reading and writing to a disk. The platters are made of aluminum or glass and coated with a magnetic medium. Now again, here is a warning for hard drives: your most valuable information is stored on your hard drive.

Like your family pictures, your tax information, and counting information, this is your most important part of the computer. Your data is the most important part, and of all the components on a computer that are most likely to fail, this is it.

your hard drive will eventually fail, crash, burn, and burn. So data backup is very, very, very important. We have one just for hard drives alone, so no worries there. The next type of drive, which is a newer one to the field, is called a solid-state drive, or SSD.

you're gonna find your solid-state drives more on your tablet computers more on some of your really lightweight laptops so for example I have an iPad, this iPad doesn't have a hard drive. the hard drive has moveable parts so for example when your computer starts up you might hear the starting up of the drive. But you don't hear that devices , because it's gonna be a solid-state drive it's gonna be much more like a flash drive a memory chip.

so you're gonna see your solid-state drives more on your smaller devices and more your lower-end devices mobile devices definitely so that's a solid-state drive it uses less electricity all that good stuff so there are some good and bad to the SSD.

What is a optical disks

optical disks: for example a CD, DVD, or blu-ray. The reason why they're called optical disks is because light in the form of a laser is shot into the disk and it either bounces back or it's absorbed, and like we said with the processing we're also dealing with zeros and ones if it's reflected if light is bounced back if it's reflected it's read as a one meaning power on signal sent if the information is absorbed and not reflected to sucked away then it's read as an off or a zero.

What is a floppy drives

What is a floppy drives

floppy drives for the three-and-a-half inch floppy disks, you can still find these in some circles, but again, these are pretty much gone on the average consumer computer. These things are gone, they're dead, and nobody's really using them anymore, although I'm sure you can probably find some people out there who will use them.

What is a read-only memory (ROM)

read-only memory, also known as ROM, is a special type of RAM that does not need electricity to keep its information, so I'm like RAM where I'm putting the memory card back, unlike RAM where if you turn off the power the information goes away, ROM holds the information and retains it, so power goes out, it still retains the information.

ROM is no longer just read-only memory, meaning you couldn't write anything once it was written it was done. It's no longer like that in fact today's ROM is you can play whether you can update, you can change, and all that fun stuff, so today's ROM might also be called firmware.

So you might hear that you have to do a firmware update, let's say on your smart phone. That's wrong. You can update firmware, for example, on your smart phone, just like I said your computer and your printer have little computers inside of them. Your car has little computers inside of it too, so you can actually update the ROM on your car game console, your digital camera and etc.

What is a PROM

What is a PROM

So ROMs evolved over the years. We had PROM, which was programmable read-only memory; this would come from the factory, and then all the information on it couldn't be changed, couldn't be updated; it was just there; it was etched in stone.

What is a EEPROM

What is a EEPROM

EEPROM which was erasable programmable read-only memory and to change the information on it you had to hit it with some UV rays, then you could write to it, then we had a EEPROM which was electrically erasable programmable read-only memory. Now I am happy to say that for the certification exam you don't have to know what EEPROM stands for, you just need to know what EEPROM does.

Here, the EEPROM, the electrified electrical erasable programmable read-only memory, could be changed by the electricity from a computer or their device, so this was something that we could actually start to update.

Now the most current type of ROM is your flash memory, so the card I just showed you from my camera is your flash memory; your thumb drives okay these are all flash memory;

this is your flash memory; you can update it; you can change it; you can delete it; you can add to it; all that fun stuff is very similar to your flash drive.

What is a processing components in your computer

What is a processing components  in your computer

First, when we talk about processing, before there were keyboards, before we had monitors, before we had a mouse, before we had a printer, there was processing. In fact, one of the earliest computers, one of the earliest possible personal computers, was something called the Altair.

What is a Altair

What is a Altair

The Altair was basically a box with a bunch of switches in the front, and people would flip the switches and do different things, and they would get different light output from these little diodes.

There was no video output on a monitor, there was no printer output, but the box was still a computer because it still processed information, and ultimately, at the end of the day, that's what a computer is: something that's able to process information, something that's able to take in raw data and basically make sense of it.

What is a nervous system

What is a nervous system

Now one of the things I like to do is when I talk about processing, I like to relate it to the nervous system. Our brains, you know, process data from the body via the nervous system.

It's going to take signals in from all around your body as data, so for example are you hungry are, you happy, are you sad, do you have a mosquito biting, your toe, what's going on and it's going to get that information the brain.

Now, just like our nervous system, the brain doesn't work by itself. There are other pathways to get to the brain. I want you to keep this in mind. The brain doesn't work just by itself. You have a whole bunch of nerves going off the brain into different parts of the body.

When we take a closer look at the motherboard, you're going to notice that the motherboard has a series of nerves all throughout the motherboard. now we don't call these things nerves.

but it's a series of wires that allow signals to be sent from different components of the motherboard to the CPU, so again, just like the human body, we have nerves all around our body to gather information and send it back to our brain, which would be the CPU.

It processes that information and then sends that information out, so the motherboard of the computer works very similarly as far as a model goes because it's receiving information and sending information out.

What is a primary processor

What is a primary processor

The primary processor is known as the central processing unit, otherwise known as a CPU. Here is an example of a CPU relatively old CPU, but you can see it, and this is the CPU, and there lines the computer's brain. You can see all those little copper connections down the bottom they are going to send information into and out of the CPU.

Let’s go deep about CPU

Let's go deep about CPU

The primary processor, like I said, is a CPU. In the old days, we had one CPU. Now, we had one CPU now we can have multiple CPUs. In fact, if you have a smartphone, you probably have multiple CPUs built-in to that smartphone as it allows it to process more than one stream of information at a time.

There are also structures to help the CPU do their job. Now, what's interesting is that your brain and your nervous system work by a series of inputs, either a signal is sent or not sent, and a chemical or electrical signal is fired or it's not fired in the world of computers.

It's again the same format as far as either a signal is sent or not, so obviously it's not using bio-electrical stuff here;

it's using electricity, so either an electrical signal is sent or it's not sent, so it's either off or on now obviously it's not using bio electrical stuff here it's using electricity so either an electrical signal is sent or it's not sent so it's either off or on now in the human body we call this all-or-none, and then one of the computers we call it binary, so if you've ever heard the termbinary," now you understand what we're talking about here. There are two main companies that produce CPUs, AMD which is Advanced Micro Devices and you have Intel.

Intel is very good at commercials and marketing, and I suppose so people are very familiar with Intel chips. AMD doesn't really market as much, I would say, but those of us in the computer world are very familiar with AMD's, and for years they would go back and forth as far as who was the better processor: sometimes Intel was ahead, sometimes Andy was ahead, and again they would go back and forth.

For a consumer, what this means is that AMD is not a knockoff brand; AMD is not a generic; if you can't afford an Intel, get an AMD brand. AMD produces very good CPUs, in fact, sometimes different ones depending on what was going on and who had the better technology; you might have wanted to go AMD, or you might have wanted to go Intel, so those are again the two major manufacturers of the processors.

What is a GPU

>What is a GPU

Now there's another type of processor this one is called a GPU.. As games became more advanced and we wanted better and better graphics in our video games, the CPU really couldn't handle it on its own.

Yes, you can get CPUs that'll handle video in fact, we find that a lot with laptops and lower end computers where the CPU will manage the video, but if you want to be a gamer you want a separate video card because it has what we call a graphics processing unit.

The GPU is going to handle the video so the CPU can focus on other things. Now if you were to buy a brand new video card, you're going to see that they are quite extravagant. I mean, they got they have a little fans on them. I mean, they can be very very powerful because video games have become much more demanding on what you ask for them so that would be a graphics processing unit GPU.

What is a input

What is a input

input output Pulling the information out, we can also refer to this as "I/O." Some examples of input devices would be, keyboards, mouse, touchpads, scanners, and output devices are video, audio, and printers. So take a quick look right now at whatever device you're using to read these articles. You might be on a computer, you might be on a tablet, you might be on your smartphone, or you might be in a game console.

Input Component

Let's take a look at some common input devices. We have the keyboard. The keyboard still maintains the title king of input devices," so this is still the king of input devices. whether this remains so as the years go by, phones, and who knows, maybe one day we'll be like the matrix where you just plug in and no keyboard is required, but right now, keyboards are still the most common type of input devices.

The mouse is another type of input device. The touchscreen, which is becoming much more popular, even the tablet, the phones all that good stuff have a graphics pad.

digital pad

digital pad

This is something that you're going to run to, especially if you work in a digital media creation group or team where people can actually draw on a pad and it's a digital pad. Think about it when you go and sign your name at like Walmart, Costco, or H-E-B or any other store where you sign your name;

it's kind of like that, except the graphics pad is much more advanced than that, but the principles are there where you can draw and do all that cool stuff. I've seen some people do some amazing things with graphic pads.



joysticks: Io the trackball. The trackball is kind of like a mouse, but with a mouse you're moving the mouse around to get it to go where you want in a trackball the mouse remains in one place, and your thumb manipulates this ball to move the cursor around the screen.



barcode reader if you go again to any grocery store any story goes beep beep you can read I actually talked about the barcode reader you can get for your smartphone. where you can scan products and check prices through Amazon Lite pens and of course technology assistive.

What is a output device

What is a output device

The output devices receive the processed information from a computer and present it to the users. The most commonly found output device is the monitor, which is the display screen that displays output from the computer. Monitors could be CRT monitors or LCD monitors.

This is another familiar output device that everyone would have come across: the printer. It prints contents on paper documents; these are the plotters, which are special types of printers that produce high-quality print on large sheets. These are used to create decorated banners.

This is the projector you would have seen in seminars and conference halls; these video projectors display videos on a large screen. This is again a familiar output device that is in much use today: the headphones. These small speakers plug into a computer line or to speakers. They are used to produce high volume audio output.

Laptops have built-in speakers. This is the braille reader. This device helps visually challenged people read the text displayed on a computer monitor. The output displayed on the screen is converted to braille by raising the pins.

What is a virtual reality

What is a virtual reality

Virtual reality is an emerging technology that takes you to an entirely virtual world. It is achieved using special devices like the headset, controllers, and gloves. Let us find out what these special devices look like.

This is the virtual reality is achieved using special devices like the headset controllers and gloves let us find how these special devices look like this is the virtual reality headset the headset puts up a screen in front of your eyes and covers the eyes for a perfect 3d experience.

these are used in video games simulators and trainers these are the virtual reality controllers they make you feel like you're using your own hands in the virtual world and will let you control the virtual.

What Is a computer hardware

What is a computer hardware

Let us first start with a simple introduction to the computer hardware. The computer system basically consists of two types of components: The two types of computer components are software components and the hardware components.

The software components provide a set of instructions that direct the computer to perform a specific task. In other words, software is a computer program used to communicate with the computer regarding the operation that we want it to perform.

whereas the computer hardware is a general term used to describe the various physical components that are an essential part of every computer system, the computer hardware components are the actual physical parts of the computer system that are visible to us and that we can use hardware devices to operate the computer.

The computer hardware includes various mechanical, electrical, and electronic components used to build the computer system. The computer hardware components can be of two types. The first type of hardware components are placed inside the computer case, which we can also call a computer cabinet.

Some of the most prominent hardware components that are placed inside the computer case include the motherboard, power supply unit, memory, hard disks, microprocessor RAM modules, and other such components.

whereas the peripheral devices are the second type of hardware components that are connected externally to the computer; these are also called input and output devices. The most commonly connected peripheral hardware devices include the computer display unit or monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer.

What is a computer software

What is a computer software

software We're going to talk about software, and we break software down into two groupings: system software and application software. System software is the stuff that runs the computer itself; these are the ones that are working with your hardware. operating system and utilities that would be examples of system software.

Application software is what gets stuff done for you; it's the reason why you buy a computer because you want applications to do things, whether it's Word documents or, for example, video recording and video editing and posting. These different things require applications.

Software development

Software development

In order to develop software, we have to do a specific thing called software development, and there is a great definition on Wikipedia about what software development is. Software development is the computer programming, documentation, and testing involved in creating and maintaining applications and frameworks involved in a software release life cycle or resulting in a software product.

how to create software and release it

how to create software  and release it

It really has to deal with more or less project management. You see project management used in a whole bunch of different industries, and they might change the terms and they might change the steps, but the core of it is that their most common methodologies are going to share some combination of the following stages of software development: requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance.

software development lifecycle You have analyzed the problem. Is there a problem? We don't need to make anything if there's no problem, so let's say that there's a requirement. let's say that you are at a job place you're at the workplace and you have a need something needs to be done there's a new procedure that nobody seems to be able to do there's no software to do it so this would be a problem so you're going to analyze the problem what is the problem? What's the need? what are people doing now? what would you like them to be able to do market research?

You're going to go out there and find out if there's anything out there that already meets those needs. If not, then let's talk about how the clients are going to use it—what do they like? What kind of technological sophistication do they have?—so you're doing your market research and gathering requirements for a proposed business solution—a plan or design for the software-based solution.

This is where you're actually going and saying this is the problem. This is the fix. Let's design how we're going to do this, so for example, let's say the problem is that there's no word processing software, okay there's only typewriters, but we need something computer-based to be able to replace a typewriter. So what would we want in this program? We'd want something where you could type in the words would be displayed; we don't want something where you could bold the letters; we want something like an outline that would underline them, italicize them, or change the font.

So you are specifying what the fig is, and then you have the implementation or decoding of the software; this is where you people actually sit down and write out the code that's going to create the software, which will solve the problem;

you're going to test the software; software is buggy; it's got so many moving parts that something's going to go wrong, and so you have to test the software. It's internally tested; you run it by other developers; you run it by the name of your project manager; you're running it around the office to see, what’s wrong.

Then you might have an alpha release. Alpha releases are super early, and you know it's going to be buggy. You know there's going to be problems right before it goes to market. You might have a beta release, in which everything should be working but we're not completely sure.

In fact, Google has a lot of their stuff constantly in beta versions; they're finally releasing some things without beta, but for a long time a lot of stuff was beta, like Gmail and Calendar, but that's the beta testing that's right before you should be getting ready to release soon.

You have the gold, which is boom, we're ready to go to market, and of course stuff will happen even if you've beta tested it; once it gets out to the market out there, something's going to go wrong, and that's where you're going to fix it, so you have to deploy to get it.

then the last stage, which kind of is a circular thing because it goes back—we'll talk about that in a second—but you have the maintenance and bug fixes, people will find problems, and finally, people will break the software because you release updates and you release patches.

I found out today that the sound went out of sync, which is a bug, and so when I went to Camtasia's website, I saw that it was in fact a bug, and their fix was to record the video using another software and then putting back into the Camtasia so that would be a bug fix that you know they obviously didn't see during beta testing.

Addie model

Addie model understands basically that all of these perfections A lot of us have very similar structures and how we develop and release stuff, so for example, as an assistant developer and a courseware developer, I have the analysis portion: is there a problem?

What are people doing? What do you want to do? Can we fix this? How do we fix this? The design phase: this is my proposal; this is the timeline. This is what we're going to do, and this is how we're going to fix it.

Software development, the actual creating of software, is called computer programming. It's the process of creating software to solve a problem. You might hear schoolkids call itcoding," and the people who do the coding are called coders or computer programmers. These are the folks who don't like bright lights and drink a lot of energy drinks.

They are the computer programmers; they are the ones who are coding the information, and in order to do this, they program via programming languages. If you were ever in college, let's say taking a bachelor's degree, a lot about Bachelors of Arts degrees require a foreign language requirement, or like I had to take a foreign language in high school, I took Spanish for three years of Spanish, I took Spanish twice in Spanish, and I took three years of Spanish, yep, my head repeats, you learned a language, and it wasn't just enough to learn the words, it wasn't like you could just learn whole la and baño and zapato.

I mean, with all these different words, you had to learn the syntax. I never said I was good in Spanish. You have to learn the syntax and the rules on how these worked, and that's what a computer programming language is, its rules. How do you write this? What kind of spacing do you need? What kind of punctuation do you put? And those are the different programming languages. If you want to go online, let's say to the dice calm, the monster calm, the career builders calm, or any of the job websites.

What are does programming language

What are does programming language

If you look at computer programmers, they'll say you know jobs for computer programmers; they'll say you must be able to code this way, code that way, or what have you, so here are some of the more popular languages available. Java, C++, C#, Objective-C, PHP Ruby, JavaScript, and SQL are the different programming languages that are very popular right now.

There are other languages out there but these are the big ones as of right now, so if you want to have some fun and you've never done any computer programming, you can give it a shot and try this QB 64. QB 64 is a free version of the old school basic computer programming language.

You can try this online or you can download it for free on a PC. if you have a Linux computer you can download it there or my Mac you can have some fun there and give your you know give your fingers a chance at programming language .

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